
1. Rembrandt painted a portrait of a fur merchant named Nicolaes Ruts. He was a Russian businessman who was dealing with furs. Rembrandt portrayed Ruts in the portrait as one of wealthy and successful status. He is covered up with an expensive fur coat, which shows his business and status. It also shows that his left hand is holding a piece of paper and his right hand is resting on a red piece of furniture. He is called "the business man's hero' because he is what all businessmen want to be: successful. The way he wears his merchandise shows that he is wealthy enough to flaunt his own wears as well as advertise it shows how good of a business man he is.

2. The portrait of the 83 year old woman shows the mood of  a gloominess, loneliness, vulnerability. Rembrandt creates the mood of this portrait by having a dark background with the dark clothes, as well as having her eyes look down shows that she feels some type of sorrow and probably mourns for someone.

3. In Rembrandt's painting of Sampson and Delilah, he communicates that love and deception go hand in hand. He displays this by showing Sampson's trust to Delilah with him laying on her thighs looking for comfort while also showing the conflict of Delilah betraying Sampson with having her hands caressing and pulling his hair, as well as the look of guilt in her face.


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